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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Strategies for Employment Success for ASD - Sensory

Sensory challenges in the employment setting may impact the individual's efficiency and effectiveness on the job. And in some cases may prevent the person from being able to do the job at all! When developing sensory supports, the first step is to identify the sensory concerns and sensitivities that may exist in the environment, the tolerance level of person to the issues, and potential accommodations or modifications that may be effective.

As part of assessment and career planning, collect sensory processing information (successes, strategies, and challenges) from current and past environments. The IEP may also include effective sensory strategies and environmental adaptations. Keep in mind that sensory processing challenges can include many types of sensitivities, involving one or more of the senses. When engaging in career exploration discussions, use this information to describe the individual's successful work environment. Consider what types of sensory inputs might hinder the work performance of the individuals and proactively look for these sensory challenges in order to develop supports and accommodations for successful work transition and completion of task. The links below review frequently reported sensory sensitivities and support strategies that could assist the individual to be successful. And, when paired with the right job and the right supports, individuals with ASD can also improve a company's profit in a variety of markets.

Explore detailed information on each of the following sensory systems: