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Strategies for Employment Success for ASD - Sensory

Olfactory (Smell) System

The Olfactory System uses information taken in through the nasal cavities which is activated by environmental odors. The system assists in the discrimination of people and things as well as alerts the body to volatile/ dangerous substances. Works in partnership with the sense of taste to discriminate among hundreds of flavors.

Characteristics of Sensitivities to Odors

  • Scents elicit different or unexpected reactions
  • May be sensitive to smells/orders that are pleasant to others.
  • May seek out strong odors to stay alert and focused during work.
  • A few people may use scents to help identify people or environments.

Strategies to Address Challenges

  • Provide natural scents in work space such as lavender or vanilla for a calming environment
  • Avoid working in heavily perfumed environments unless the individual indicates a preference for such odors.
  • Assess sensitivity to the use of cleaning fluid odors at work or the impact of food odors that may occur during lunch /dinner breaks.
  • Job coaches should eliminate or use less cologne/ perfumes, or scented lotions when working in shared space.
  • Offer citrus or peppermint scented oils if individual is looking for strong scents for focus.
  • Share & practice multiple ways to identify others, other than by smell.

Considerations for Employment:

While every individual is unique and no one aspect of the individual's strengths or challenges can determine the right employment options, it is critical not to assume individuals with ASD cannot succeed in many environments. In some situations, the difference may actually be the factor that leads to unique employment opportunities. Employment examples below are offered as a way to think differently about the potential of individuals with ASD.

Many jobs are associated with particular odors that a person may find motivating and could be explored as potential employment.

  • Baker
  • Barista
  • Car industry
  • Chocolatier
  • Florist- floral industry
  • Landscaper
  • Spa- Selecting soothing smells for customers during their visit