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Resource Crosswalk

The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to state partners, including the state agencies, state support teams, and educational services centers by providing professional learning, technical assistance, coaching, and implementation supports.

Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.

Building Capacity

The following resources lend support to building (educator, teams, or staff) skills, knowledge, and awareness to support application of new practices.

Description Type Length Certificate

"Unlearning" Book Chat

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron book study using the Book titled "Unlearning" by Allison Posey and Katie Novak.

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Access to the General Education Curriculum/Literacy Access for ALL

This FREE, 10-part video series containing over 70 coaching videos and hundreds of resources explores strategies grounded in research that are designed to ensure ALL learners have access to the general curriculum.

Module This resourse is long This resource does have a certificate

Achievement vs Learning

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron conversation with Melissa Emler from Wisconsin‘s "UDL Forward" Part 1

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AEM an All Access Path to Success

Short instructional video about accessible educational materials and assistive technology tools to support student access and participation. The video discusses the use of AEM by students with differing abilities and throughout the lifespan.

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AEM Request Web Portal

Web based access to place requests for accessible educational materials through the AT&AEM Center. This also include items in FQ Clearinghouse such as VI AT devices, large print and braille books for long-term loan to support students with low vision and blindness.

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AEM Request Web Portal Instructional Video

Instructional Video to support LEAS in completing an AEM request through the AT&AEM Center Request Portal.

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An Interview with Colleen Cornish

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron conversation with Colleen Cornish, State Support Team Region 9 in Ohio regarding a recent world-wide book study by the Ohio Universal Design for Learning Collaborative.

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An Interview with Dr. Loui Lord Nelson

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion with Dr. Loui Lord Nelson and her newly released Book "Design and Deliver" Second Addition.

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Areas of AT

This video introduces a variety of AT devices and service categorized by areas of learning and physical access.

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ASD and Assistive Technology Video Collection

A series of videos about supporting people with ASD with assistive technologies. Specific topics addressed include: social, organizational, literacy, and writing.

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Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM)

ATIM include 58 interactive learning modules on topics related to AT including but not limited to resources about, assessment, implementation, transition, and AT for specific curricular areas and areas of independent living.

Module This resourse is medium-short This resource does have a certificate

AT&AEM Census Instructional Video

Instructional Video to support Ohio LEAs in completing the annual Federal Quota(FQ) Census through the AT&AEM Center FQ Census Portal.

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AT&AEM Center Virtual Overview

Tour the AT&AEM Center website including, ATIM, SIFTS, and Federal Quota.

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AT&AEM Federal Quota Video

Short Instructional video about the history, intent and processes related to the FQ services in Ohio.

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AT Assessment

Resources for identifying AT tools, the need for AEM, AAC assessment, AT user satisfaction, and feature-matching for mobile devices and apps.

Online Tool This resourse is medium-long  

AT Assessment Collection

A collection of AT assessments available for short term loan through the OCALI lending library.


AT Consideration Video

Animated PPT to assist educational professionals and IEP team members in considering and determining student needs for AT.

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AT Devices

The OCALI AT Lending Library contains a wide range of assistive technology devices, AT kits, and FM/DM systems and that can be borrowed by Ohio school districts and other agencies who support persons with disabilities to assist in the AT assessment process by providing hands-on trials to determine appropriate AT features needed for a student.

Library Collection    

AT Domains

Overview of the various areas of AT and examples for each.

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AT Funding: Who Will Pay?

An interactive tool to provide information about and help determine appropriate funding sources for AT.

Online Tool This resourse is medium-short  

AT Implementation

Links to resources for AT implementation.

Online Tool This resourse is medium-long  

AT Resource Guide

Overview of AT assessment and implementation including a school district‘s legal responsibility to provide AT. (Under revision)

Guide This resourse is medium-long  

BEST - Braille Transcriber Certification Mentoring

The National Federation of the Blind offers a course in literary braille transcribing to teach transcription of print materials into braille. For those who would like to pursue becoming a Certified Braille Transcriber, a BEST Grant Braille Literary Consultant is available to mentor and answer questions as you work through the NLS lessons.

Support/Service This resourse is long This resource does have a certificate

BEST Local Braille Production Centers Application Process

Each year three districts/agencies are chosen to receive a braille production through the BEST grant. Learn about how to apply for a local braille production center and view an interactive map of the braille production centers already in Ohio schools.

Support/Service This resourse is medium-short  

BEST On-Demand Tips and Tricks

On-demand video sessions were created to support educators who need immediate assistance related to braille software and technologies, braille math or creating accessible educational materials. The on-demand videos are typically short (5-15 minutes each) and provide quick and immediate answers.

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BEST TA Request Portal

An online portal to submit questions to the BEST Technical Assistance (TA) Consultants any time of day. Braille Technology and Literacy Consultant experts will be in touch with you by email or phone. Common inquiries include braille transcribing, braille production, support with braille equipment, or certification questions.

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BEST Trainings

Training sessions focused on braille literacy, braille instruction, braille materials, and braille technology for educators who serve students who are blind and visually impaired in school districts. All trainings are free as well as training materials and software provided to participants and their districts.

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Braille and Large Print Books

A collection of early reader and tradebooks created in contracted or uncontracted braille, as well as large print tradebooks for check out on short term loan through the OCALI Lending Library.

Books/Book Study    

Braille Ohio State Practice Tests

A collection of braille Ohio State Practice Tests are available through the OCALI Lending Library. Each test set includes the Unified English Braille version and student reference guides. All mathematics and science tests are transcribed using Nemeth Code in the UEB context.



A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron covering strategies, discussion, and ideas you can implement tomorrow using the strength of checklists.

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Classroom Management Reimagined, Using Expert Learners!

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about how Classroom Management is different with Expert Learners.

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Clear Goals

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about the importance of Clear Goals, relating them to the Thought Bubbles from an earlier episode.

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A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about Co-Teaching - the good and the bad.

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A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about school culture - the good, bad, and the ugly.

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Designing for the Least Restrictive Environment in General Education

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is a critical principle of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). School districts and families often struggle with WHERE and HOW to ensure LRE. What does the law really say? How can we use the UDL framework to reduce barriers and ensure that the general education classroom is the least restrictive environment? This presentation offers an engaging discussion that will stretch our thinking, allow for collaboration, and improve outcomes for each and every learner!

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District-wide AT Planning: A View from 40,000 Feet

Video presentation about planning AT services and support using a district-wide approach and the support of an AT facilitator.

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Expert Learners Through the Lens: How do Kids Know What Helps Them Learn

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion on Expert Learners.

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Express Yourself: Accessing the Visual Arts Video Collection

Explore adaptions, modifications, and assistive technology supports for accessing the visual arts. This 2-part series addresses adapting and modifying tools, surfaces, mediums, and processes to match student specific needs in the area of art.

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FQ Census Registration Portal

Webportal for the Federal Quota (FQ) annual registration of blind students in Ohio.

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Here to Help - Video Collection

Various short videos in area of AT and AEM to help support remote learning needs.

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How Can Universal Design for Learning Revive our Family Engagement?

In this webinar the presenters will share the basic concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and offer ideas for using multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression to give us fresh perspectives on the opportunities schools create for families to support student learning.

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How-To Tips and Strategies

Interested in learning more about how-to implement evidence based instructional methods? Welcome to our How-to Tips and Strategies videos. These quick videos showcase simple tips, adapted materials and strategies that demonstrate how easy it is to get started supporting diverse students in any subject area, any grade-level and any classroom.

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Inclusive Practices That Support Learners With Complex Needs

Are Individual Education Programs (IEPs) driving the changes that we want for our learners who are eligible for special education? Or have they become a boilerplate document that teams complete, but don’t use to full capacity within the classroom? The intent of the federal law IDEA is “ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.”

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InspirEd AT&AEM

Four on-demand videos on various topics from the AT&AEM Center.

Video This resourse is short This resource does have a certificate

Introduction to the Ohio Leadership Advisory Council

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about the Ohio Leadership Advisory Council also known as OLAC.

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Isabella Needs AT

This video introduces viewers to AT and takes them through an Individualized Education Program meeting during which AT is considered. (Available in Spanish)

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Least Restrictive Environment and Universal Design for Learning

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about a webinar titled UDL: Designing for the Least Restrictive Environment in General Education.

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LEGO Braille Bricks

Distribution of free Lego Braille Bricks to qualifying teachers of the blind for the purpose of supporting braille literacy.

Online Tool This resourse is medium-short  

Overview of AT

An animated one minute overview of AT addressing the who, what, when, where, and why of AT use.

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Web-based survey tool developed to support decision-making teams who need assistance matching a person‘s needs and strengths to AT features.

Online Tool This resourse is medium-long  

Social Emotional Engagement in Learning

Research in social neuroscience fosters our understanding of the development of social and emotional competence in the classroom. Understanding how social connections fuel our brains to grow and how we, as educators, can consider engagement through a social, emotional, and cognitive system, provides us opportunities to socially emotionally engage our learners while ensuring access through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with all learners. The outcome from this session will provide a practical inquiry tool for educators to discover what’s working in their practices to enhance learner engagement.

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The Language We Use When Implementing Universal Design for Learning

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about how a conversation moves quickly to what a UDL Classroom starts to look and sound like during the implementation process. Items such as communication, tone of voice and even facial expressions.

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The Leader‘s Role in Supporting UDL

Learn about key leadership practices that support and sustain the use of the UDL framework to ensure that all learners are purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, and strategic and goal directed.

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The Marriage of UDL and PBIS - A Framework to Support the Whole Child

Participants will be able to identify how Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) complement one another and provide a systematic framework that supports the whole child. Participants will be able to identify how the UDL guidelines and the components of PBIS are more similar than different and support educators in their efforts to be intentional when striving to meet the needs of each and every learner.

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The Power of Questions in a UDL Environment

The presenter in this webinar will assist you in discovering the importance and need for well-crafted questions in the classroom. Teaching students how to form questions increases engagement (Engagement, one of the UDL Principles) while thrusting students‘ imaginations into the future to be college or job capable.

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Thought Bubbles Continued (not what you might think) Part 2

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about Thought Bubbles, going deeper and great examples.

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UDL Thought Bubbles

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion about "Thought Bubbles" and how they help with the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. They help us think about the framework.

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Universal Design for Learning and the Importance of Learning Standards

Explore the importance of collaboration and student involvement within the UDL Framework when it comes to standards. You will leave with tools and knowledge to get you started and ideas to involve and empower your students learning. This exciting webinar will raise questions, as well as examine how we use our Learning Standards through the UDL framework. For instance, what does our planning look and sound like when we work collaboratively with students to create learning targets?

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Virtual AT Conference and Vendor Fair

On-demand (25-30 minute) AT vendor sessions on a variety of topics and products from the 2021 AT Conference and Vendor Fair hosted by OCALI and the SSTs.

Video This resourse is medium-long This resource does have a certificate

Weaving the UDL Framework with Specially Designed Instruction: A Beautiful Tapestry with and without disabilities

A quick 30 minutes on how Specially Designed Instruction compliments Universal Design for Learning.

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Whoa, Wait! We forgot to lay the foundation of UDL!

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion covering the foundation of UDL.

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