Autism Center Grab and Go Resource Gallery of Interventions
Health and Wellness Narratives
Utilize Health and Wellness Narratives (formerly COVID-19 Social Narratives) to help support the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities. These social narratives were developed to use at home, school, and in the community to teach individuals appropriate social behaviors based on the social challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although COVID-19 no longer poses the societal emergency that it did when it first emerged in late 2019, COVID-19 remains an ongoing public health challenge and some of these social narratives may still be applicable for some individuals with disabilities. These narratives should be read with the individual when they are calm, to prepare them for those stressful situations.
Spanish versions are also available.

Health and Wellness Narratives

Health and Wellness Narratives - Spanish Edition
- Feeling Anxious and Worried - Spanish
- Getting My COVID Test (for Older Individual) - Spanish
- Getting My COVID Test (for Younger Individual) - Spanish
- Getting My Vaccine - Spanish
- I Miss My School Friends - Spanish
- School Work at Home - Spanish
- Taking My Temperature - Spanish
- Time to Turn It Off - Spanish
- Washing My Hands - Spanish
- Wearing A Mask - Spanish
- What to Do When I Cough - Spanish