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Transition Planning and the IEP

Aligning Postsecondary Goals and Annual Goals

Below are examples of postsecondary goals and the supporting annual goal(s), as well as a brief description of how the two goals align.

Postsecondary GoalAnnual GoalConnection
Upon graduation from of high school, Gary will attend Williams County Community College. Given Williams County Community College information, Gary will demonstrate knowledge of the admission requirements by describing requirements and identifying admission deadlines with 90% accuracy. Learning about the college's admission requirements will help Gary meet his goal of attending Williams County Community College; this can be completed during the school year.
Following high school, Jenny will attend a four-year college to obtain a degree in computer science leading to employment in a professional position in the field of computer science. Jenny will independently organize her academic work for all classes and homework using a planner, highlighters, dividers, and other organizational tools at least twice a week for the duration of this IEP. Independent organizational skills and proficient use of organizational tools is a skill that Jenny will need in order to complete college assignments in a timely manner.
Jenny will prepare questions in writing to ask her teachers to clarify assignments and required course content, once a week for duration of IEP. Preparing questions for her teachers is a skill Jenny will need in order to be able to successfully interact with college professors and clarify requirements and otherwise understand important information in college courses.
After graduating high school, Janice will obtain a part-time position in a community retail environment. Janice will identify her likes and dislikes related to retail employment options by participating in at least three retail job shadowing experiences and select her preferences using pictures, words, and affect by __date______ . Participating in job shadowing will help Janice identify her likes and dislikes about the job and help to ensure that the job she pursues is one that she is motivated to continue. This experience will also help the team to identify needed skills and supports to be targeted during the high school years.
After finishing high school, Jacob will increase his work hours in the business department of a local office supply store to work full time. Given a list of possible scenarios at work, Jacob will identify those that require a meeting with his supervisor with 90% or better accuracy once a week for the duration of the IEP. This annual goal primarily focuses on teaching Jacob a skill that will help him make appropriate decisions on the job, avoid mistakes during employment and, therefore, will assist him in maintaining employment.
Given his OOD caseworker's contact information, Jacob will call or email him independently to share information and discuss issues at his job at least two times a month for the duration of the IEP. Learning to independently contact his adult service caseworker while in high school is a skill that will prepare Alex for his continued employment postsecondary goal.
After graduating high school, Miguel will live in the family home with natural supports and use public transportation to commute to work four to five days per week. Given visual supports, social narratives, and video modeling, Miguel will demonstrate how to safely wait for, board, ride, and depart the public transportation from his home to a community site one time per week for three consecutive weeks by ___date____. This annual goal prepares Miguel to independently use transportation following high school to accomplish both the postsecondary goals of living at home and being employed in the community.