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Transition Planning and the IEP

Resource Links for Element Seven

Annual Goals vs. Postsecondary Goals

Review a brief overview of the connection between annual and postsecondary goals in this one page document

Community Support Programs for Young Adults with Disabilities-Video

Community support programs for young adults with disabilities.

Google Take Five

Improve productivity in all settings by using visual, audio, and checklist that can be shared with others as well as connecting through backwards planning. Google Keep reminds individuals what to do when they are certain locations or a certain time

Job/Career Development and Preparing the Workplace to Support and Employee with ASD-Video

Video highlighting Preparing both the employee and employer for career development.

The Importance of Internships-Video

Tykiah Wright, of WrightChoice Intern Program, Explains the importance of experiences such as internships for successful career development and employment.

Transition Coalition Online Modules

The Transition Coalition provides free research-based online modules on a variety of topics related to postsecondary transition.