Transition Planning and the IEP
Case Studies: Annual Goals and Adult Outcomes
Each case study offers an example of annual goals and the student's vision and future outcomes. Although many students may express similar adult goals or outcomes, the annual goals reflected in each of those students' IEPs may be very different based on the specific skill development needs of each student.

Robert's vision is to live independently and work part-time in the community and attend adult education classes.
Annual IEP goals that may support this vision include:
Employment: Robert will work independently for 30 minutes using a visual schedule to complete a job-related task
Postsecondary Education: Robert will use a list of identified study strategies to complete homework assignments
Independent Living: Given common community living situations, Robert will identify those that are unsafe and how to correct the errors

Antonio's postsecondary goals include attendance at a four-year college and then working in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment.
Annual IEP goals that may support this vision include:
Independent Living and Postsecondary Education: Antonio will independently organize his weekly calendar to successfully include time for class, studying, homework and leisure activities
Employment and Postsecondary Education: Given situations that occur on the job and in the classroom, Antonio will identify the expected employee-employer and student-professor interactions and how to correct the errors

Carla's vision for the future includes part time employment in a community setting with supports (on-the-job training). She plans to move to a supported residential home and will need continued training in independent living skills.
Annual IEP goals that may support this vision include:
Employment: Given job coach and environmental supports, Carla will complete vocational tasks in school environments such as office, library, teachers' lounge
Independent Living: Carla will follow a visual schedule to safely prepare and clean up a meal (lunch) using tools such as microwave, knife, refrigerator, water, cleaning fluids, etc.
Employment: Carla will use coping skills and strategies (example: 5-Point Scale) to manage anxiety when corrected by teacher, aide or job coach.