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Resource Crosswalk

The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to districts, schools, and classrooms in the continuous improvement process.

Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.

Evidence Based Practices and Supports

The following resources provide evidence-based strategies to support teams with effective and efficient approaches.

Description Type Length Certificate

Access to the General Education Curriculum/Literacy Access for ALL

This FREE, 10-part video series containing over 70 coaching videos and hundreds of resources explores strategies grounded in research that are designed to ensure ALL learners have access to the general curriculum.

Module This resourse is long This resource does have a certificate

Back to School Theme 3

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron looking closely at executive functions such as goal setting, planning and strategy, and several others.

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Challenging Behavior Expect Success Online Webinar Series

Every person is unique and has different strengths, talents, and skills. When addressing challenging behaviors for people with complex needs, it is essential to individualize the process in order to develop effective intervention plans. This 14-part webinar series is based in positive behavior intervention supports (PBIS), functional behavior assessment (FBA), and behavior intervention planning. The series explores the belief system and a systematic process essential to understanding and addressing challenging behavior. It also includes team-based strategies that focus on matching evidence-based interventions to a target behavior, after in-depth exploration of the individual’s strengths and challenges. This series is ideal for anyone supporting school-age children, adolescents, and adults. Inclusive of the components of PBIS, this training can support educational teams working with students in need of Tier 3 support.

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Designing for the Least Restrictive Environment in General Education

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is a critical principle of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). School districts and families often struggle with WHERE and HOW to ensure LRE. What does the law really say? How can we use the UDL framework to reduce barriers and ensure that the general education classroom is the least restrictive environment? This presentation offers an engaging discussion that will stretch our thinking, allow for collaboration, and improve outcomes for each and every learner!

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Educational Service Guidelines for the Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

A guidance document for deaf education in Ohio that focuses on how to identify, assess, plan, provide, and monitor educational services and programs. Key concepts are essential building blocks that support evidence-based predictors for post-school success.

Guide This resourse is medium-long  

Effective Practices: Supporting Youth In School, In the Community and On the Job and Predictors of Post School Success

Effective Practices and Predictors are research-based strategies that focus on supporting transition age youth to gain critical skills and experiences. The Practices and Predictors are useful to transition professionals in school and agencies across systems and in multiple environments.

Guide This resourse is medium-long  

Executive Function Webcast Series

Learn about executive function skills that enable people to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, juggle multiple tasks successfully, regulate behavior, and delay immediate demands in favor of long-term goals.

Video This resourse is medium-long  

Ohio Guidelines for Working with Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired

The purpose Ohio Guidelines for Working with Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired is to provide guidance for decision-making for educators and families. Learners who are blind or visually impaired have a wide range of abilities, as well as needs. To support them in the general education curriculum, educators, and families must be knowledgeable of services required and resources available.

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Take 5 Videos

Learn about essential topics for transition and adulthood and engage in new ideas through Take 5 webcasts. Each short video in the Take 5 series will review a topic, concept or idea about transition and adult life planning, service, and support for those assisting youth and adults with disabilities. Take 5 also provides five take-away resources for each of the webcasts to help extend learning and support implementation of new knowledge or sharing of valuable ideas.

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The Guidelines for the Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

The Guidelines for the Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing guidance document is a collection of suggestions for families and professionals designed to help teams determine what to include in an educational evaluation along with recommendations for administration. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide you with current best practices in the assessment and evaluation of deaf and hard of hearing students to improve postschool outcomes for students.

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The Marriage of UDL and PBIS - A Framework to Support the Whole Child

Participants will be able to identify how Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) complement one another and provide a systematic framework that supports the whole child. Participants will be able to identify how the UDL guidelines and the components of PBIS are more similar than different and support educators in their efforts to be intentional when striving to meet the needs of each and every learner.

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The MedEd Connections Resource Guide: Blind or Visually Impaired

The MedEd Connections Resource Guide: Blind or Visually Impaired is designed to support families as they manage, access, and share medical and educational information concerning their children. The purpose of this guide is to help families build their understanding and connect important medical and educational information to make more informed decisions, so that their children who are blind or visually impaired (B/VI) can grow and live their best lives.

Guide This resourse is long  

Transition Assessment and Transition Planning, InspirED Webinar Series

Explore a 3 part InspirED series on Transition Assessment and Transition Planning offering good foundational information for all team members serving transition youth (special educators, general educators, therapists, transition coordinators, paraprofessionals, etc.)

Video This resourse is short This resource does have a certificate

Universal Design for Learning and Explicit Instruction

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron about Universal Design for Learning and Explicit Instruction.

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Using UDL to Leverage Co-Planning

Do you regularly collaborate with co-teachers or other school staff to proactively plan to support the learning of all of your students in the general education classroom? If you are a general education teacher, intervention specialist, ESL teacher, speech-language pathologist, OT/PT, title teacher or another collaborative teacher, then this webinar is for you. Join us as we discuss how to use UDL to leverage co-planning. Bring your best ideas as we discuss how to make these partnerships work for the benefit of all students.

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Weaving the UDL Framework with Specially Designed Instruction: A Beautiful Tapestry with and without disabilities

A quick 30 minutes on how Specially Designed Instruction compliments Universal Design for Learning.

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What Works for Work training series

OCALI set out to introduce selected evidence-based practices and how to incorporate these into the academic, vocational and social education and preparation for transition youth. The project, commonly known as What Works for Work, resulted in user-friendly tools and resources now available on this website.

Online Tool This resourse is long This resource does have a certificate