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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Evidence Based Practices

Evidence Based Practices (EBP) are research based interventions that, when used as described by the research, have been found to successfully teach students targeted skills.

Identification and use of effective evidence based practices to instruct youth with ASD in employability skills can be vital for teachers and job coaches as they target instruction in academic and vocational skills. Often the barrier to youth becoming employed is not the specific expertise needed for the task, but instead it is the ability to independently complete all steps in the sequence of the task. Without the job coach or supervisor directing the steps, the person may ultimately be unable to initiate, engage in and complete the task. Success in employment requires skill in the specific skills and task completion.

Not every evidence based practice is effective in teaching every skill. Nor would a teacher or job coach use the same evidence based practice for all youth. Teachers and job coaches must strive to select the right EBP to teach the right skill for the right person. Fortunately there is expert guidance to assist in learning about EBP for youth with ASD.

Table 8 Matrix of Evidence- Based Practices by Outcome and AgeThe NPDC on Autism Spectrum Disorders also produced a comprehensive report on the 27 identified EBPs. The report includes a matrix that reports effectiveness by age group.

Research to Practice

In addition to the research about EBP, tools and information for the practitioner to use to implement these interventions is also available.

ASD strategies in action autism certification series

ASD Strategies in Action. Develop by OCALI, ASD Strategies in Action presents EBP as they are implemented so that families, teachers and service providers can learn how to support and educate individuals with ASD. The free modules are completely video based and include a transition age course.

what works for work evidence based transition practices and predictors

What Works for Work. OCALI offers a free online product that individual practitioners and teams can use to learn about evidence based practices and create implementation plans. Eleven EBP for transition youth are highlighted in this product.

Cover of evidence based practices for transition youth manual

Ohio Employment First Evidence Based Transition Practices. Through the work of Ohio Employment First, this document offers information, links and resources for 11 evidence based practices for transition. The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) identified these and other evidence based practices based on high quality research