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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Preparing Youth for the Changing Landscape: Predictors and Practices

The changing landscape of employment emphasizes the need for teams to foster the expectation of employment for all youth as they begin planning their future lives. This will require expanding student's skills and abilities as inclusive members of their local community by seeking out opportunities to develop independence and participation. Educational programs must use strategies and instruction supported by strong evidence of success. And transition teams should expect students, including students with ASD, to master skills and use supports to achieve desired adult outcomes. This approach moves away from periodic lessons and occasional community outings. Instead instruction and practice of essential skills becomes a continual part of the youth's daily routine and individualized education program (IEP).

The implication of this changing landscape for education is clear. Educational programs must intentionally connect the activities and instruction provided to the outcomes of adult employment early in a student's school career! There is no reason to delay the preparation and strong evidence to support addressing career development early in a youth's school career. Research has provided the field with valuable guidance on what should be taught in educational programs as well as effective instructional strategies that lead to skill development. This information includes Evidence Based Predictors of Post School Success and Evidence Based Instructional Strategies.

  • Evidence Based Predictors of Post School Success. Activities, experiences and knowledge that when provided in the school years is correlated to better post school outcomes in employment, education and adult living.
  • Evidence Based Instructional Practices. Interventions or learning techniques that are based in research that have been found to successfully teach students specific skills

The following tabs take a deeper look at Evidence Based Predictors and Practices.