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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Evidence Based Predictors

Evidence Based Predictors of Post School Success are activities, experiences and knowledge that when provided during the school years are correlated to better post school outcomes in employment, education and adult living.

These predictors have been identified through high quality research by the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) and are frequently referenced by state departments of education as a standard for transition programs.

Download The Ohio Employment First Evidence Based Predictor Tool here

The Ohio Employment First Initiative used the NTACT predictor work to develop a tool that introduces the predictors to a multi-agency audience as a guide to the work that is accomplished together for transition youth. The Ohio Employment First Evidence Based Predictor Tool identifies 8 Predictor categories to review and address for transition programs.

Some predictors have a stronger correlation than others to employment success. The strongest predictor of employment success is authentic community based work experience. If the experience is paid work it becomes an even stronger predictor. Other predictors for post school employment include vocational and occupation education and development of self-determination skills.

Youth with ASD should have access to these important predictor activities as part of their transition and employment services and programs. However, as the youth with ASD engages in these predictor activities and experiences, it is often necessary to provide accommodations, strategies and supports so that the youth is able to benefit from these experiences.